As a parent, it is painful to watch your child struggle socially, behaviorally and academically. Yet understanding why they are struggling and how best to help them is often a confusing and frustrating process. Whether your child has a formal diagnosis or not, understanding the root cause, or what is happening in the brain of a child with these challenges, is critical to effectively addressing the problem.?

Most of these kids are just as smart as everyone else, their brains are just wired differently and this affects how they receive and process information.

A Disorganized Brain

Some children retain primitive reflexes and do not complete development of the lower centers of the brain. In such cases, the cortex is not always “in charge”. Instead, there is a constant tug-of-war for control between the higher and lower centers of the brain. With such disorganization, the cortex must work much, much harder than it is intended to do. It must keep reflexive movement from dominating. It must find ways to compensate or take over for those brain functions that did not become automatic.

When the cortex has be expend so much energy on functions that should be automatic in lower parts of the brain, then the cortex cannot attend to thinking, learning, and paying attention. If a child’s cortex is preoccupied with covering functions of the lower parts of the brain, then that child will not be able to show his or her full genetic potential.

Signs of disorganized brain vary among children. Differences are related to the degree of underdevelopment and whether a child has discovered ways to compensate. The following behaviors are common among children with retained primitive reflexes and underdeveloped lower centers of the brain.

  • Poor in concentrating and comprehension
  • Dislikes reading
  • Dislikes writing
  • Not interest with home work
  • Produces work with multiple erasures
  • Has poor handwriting
  • Has no sense of feeling “full” after eating
  • Has panic attacks
  • Is overly anxious over trivial matters
  • Is unable to focus if background noises compete for attention
  • Display irrational, aggressive behavior
  • Insists on doing something in a way different than what was asked
  • Is easily frustrated
  • Has poor organizational skills
It is poorly understood and is often dismissed as bad behavior or laziness.
A Re-organized Brain

Modem, sophisticated technology proves that brain has the capacity for change and the ability to modify its function and structure.

Are you concern about your kids? Naturally your ANSWER is “YES!!”

Come to our OpenMindAgile program that offers fun activities and simple techniques specifically tailored to help re-organize a disorganized brain. Such activities and techniques areĀ  easily integrated into daily life.

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